You will always get full transparency from MIRACLE Surrogacy.  No good comes from surprise charges and that simply isn’t going to happen to our clients.  Our programs include everything you need to get pregnant and have a baby and get back home for an uncomplicated, successful pregnancy within the number of allowable attempts included in the programs.  There are no hidden agency fees/hidden costs or charges; everything is clearly spelled out in the contract. 


Some things are unpredictable, however and do incur extra expenses.  For example, if you get pregnant with twins, there is an additional charge (once again, that’s spelled out in the contract, and covers extra money for your surrogate and other costs).  Another example is if you use all your allowable embryo transfers and need to continue with additional transfers.  If you run out of embryos and need another IVF egg collection cycle, that would be additional. If your baby requires neonatal intensive care (NICU) or if your surrogate requires any special care/treatment, this would also be an additional cost.  These are all things that are unusual but can happen from time to time.