A semen analysis is a required part of our program. The semen analysis should be done within 90 days of the sperm deposit at our clinic.

Here are our recommended tips to follow before your semen analysis:

  1. Don’t ejaculate for 2 to 5 days before your test/deposit: your testicles are constantly producing sperm.  During ejaculation, the sperm stored in your epididymis are shot out and fresh sperm then replace the sperm ejaculated.  It takes 2 to 3 days to completely refill the epididymis. Testing too soon after ejaculation can show a result of lower sperm count than your average.  So is it better to “save it up” and wait longer? Absolutely Not!  Your sperm start to die inside you after time, so it is a good idea to “clean out the pipes” with more frequent ejaculations, then wait 2-5 days and then go for your semen analysis/deposit. 
  2. No lube and no condoms: many lubes/condoms contain spermicides designed to kill sperm and it’s also important that your sample be “pure” which also means no saliva. 
  3. Avoid high heat such as hot tubs, saunas, hot baths/showers, laptop resting on your lap, etc. in the week leading up to the test/deposit.
  4. Smoking has long been known to reduce sperm health.  So cut it out if possible.  This applies to cigarettes and marijuana too. 
  5. Avoid excessive alcohol.
  6. Increase intake of antioxidant-rich foods: e.g. selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, I-carnitine